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E-Learning Demos

A trustworthy, engaging and knowledgable voice...

Wouldn't it be great to have a voice for your projects that fully understands how effective learning happens, who will reinforce those teachable moments and promote enquiry - Oh and also be easy to listen to, engaging and friendly!

Prior to voiceover, I worked in the UK education sector for over 20 years as a teacher, trainer and leader of staff development; communicating with a wide variety of age groups, abilities and people – from the very young, to even ‘teaching’ large groups of teachers ‘how to teach’.

As such my natural storytelling style is very much suited to genres where it's vital that learning happens, such as 

e-learning projects.

My educational background is in English and Drama.  I hold a Bachelor of Education Honours degree and a Masters’ degree in English and Creative Writing.

Request a free custom demo, quotation or just simply have a chat with how I can benefit your project.

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